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Stained Glass Painting

Stained Glass Painting

There are many techniques that can be used to create beautiful and interesting works of art in stained glass. This article deals with stained glass painting. This technique has been used for centuries and was the most obvious form of stained glass during the Renaissance era due to their keen aspiration for intricate details in artwork. Painting of stained glass became so popular, in fact, that the earlier stained glass arts of using " pot metal glass " almost disappeared in toto.

You will need several items helpful to do stained glass painting. Obviously you will need paint and paintbrushes, if you cannot ready the specialized stained glass type you may be able to improvise with regular artist's paintbrushes. You will also need access to a kiln to set your effort. Many professional studios will allow you to use their kiln for an hourly rate. Next, you will must a palette for mixing your paint. A piece of sandblasted glass is the immeasurably suitable choice for mixing you stained glass paints. A palette knife is a helpful tool in mixing the paint. The paints are made from a mixture of powdered oxides, gum arabic and water.

As with other forms of stained glass art, you will want to start with your originate on paper. Make sure there is some definition to your design and that the differently colored areas are outlined in a darker color. You may tape your design to the bottom of your glass so that it will remain in place during painting. Begin painting the dark outlines of your design with a tracer or rigger ( long brush with a slender point ). You will want your trace paint to be dark enough to block out light and provide discrepancy with your lighter colors. You must apply the outlines in long, smooth, continuous strokes. Do not try to " go over " your lines once they have dried ( which does not take prolonged! ).

If you do you will create the paint to bubble and separate ( fry ) when the glass is fired in the kiln. You should not touch the line at all once it has been painted, although you may fitting some mistakes and overages by gently scraping the paint off with a toothpick AFTER it has dried completely. Next, your stained glass trace colouring is fired in the kiln at approximately 1150? F.

After your trace paint has been fired, you are ready to apply your shading colors. The shading color may be dropped into a particular area of the stained glass and then brushed or " mopped " over the entire venue where that color is desired. You may then purpose various brushes with different strokes or techniques to create a stippled or otherwise textured look. Garner in mind that the color of the shaded area will appear lighter in your finished stained glass project after it has been fired in the kiln.

You may also wish to enhance the look of your project with pennies stain. Silver stain will be applied to the back side of your stained glass project ( the opposite side from your painting ) and will actually change the color of the glass rather than simply cover it. Change stain can be corrosive as it contains silver nitrate since use with caution and please use clean brushes for this portion of the project. The effect of silver stain is a lovely yellow to amber - colored hue to the stained glass and provides a lovely background to your stained glass artwork.

Your skill and technique in painting stained glass will improve over time, as with any new endeavor. Be discerning and allow yourself to enjoy the process. Painting stained glass can be a superb hobby and with a little inwardness you may even create a masterpiece someday!


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